So this week was pretty uneventful. We finally had investigators in the sacrament meeting, I can't tell you how happy I was to be sitting in the middle of the bench between my investigators and my less actives, greatest feeling in the world.
So I actually haven't bible bashed at all this week. I was given the absolute perfect opportunity in the morning. Someone knocked on our gate and we looked out the window to see who it was and we saw it was the Jehovah's witness missionaries. We were like OH YEAH. so we threw on some regular clothes took off our name tags and answered the door and I was like time for some bible bashing. They gave us some pamphlets and then the guy said can we share some scriptures with you and we were like yeah. He whipped out his bible and I was like alright here comes the macheting, but the spirit was like Logan don't contend, then I was ready to contend, but really strongly it told me don't contend. so I heeded the prompting and I was like thanks for sharing that message with us and then I was like thanks for what you do for helping others have faith in God. I felt good. I think I am going to try to give up more the bible bashing.
I am really pumped for General Conference this upcoming week. I cant believe that it has already been a year since the general conference that I was blessed to go to with all of my friends. I felt the spirit so strong that session and I know for a fact that Thomas S. Prophet is a living prophet who speaks face to face with Jesus and that he holds the keys to the Kingdom of God here on the Earth, I will never be able to deny the feelings that I had in that conference. I think it will be really cool that 3 new apostles will be called, Richard G. Scott, L. Tom Perry, and Boyd K. Packer are all continuing the work in the spirit world, but I know that God has prepared three special men to help guide us in these letter days.
If you haven't written me a letter. repent and write me a letter.