Monday, November 21, 2016


Well this week has been great, but absolutely interesting.

In my sector there are two major cities, there are Yaruqui and Quinche. Quinche is a very famous city in Ecuador even though it is not that big, it is famous because it has a very significant and historic catholic chapel. This last week were the caminatas al Quinche or the pilgrimages to Quinche. People from all over Ecuador start walking from Quito or Cayambe and come to Quinche to attend special mass sessions and to worship the virgin of Quinche. 

Anyways, these special pilgrimages happen annually and took place this last week from Friday to Saturday and holy cow our sector was crazy. It was so crazy with thousands of people making the pilgrimage from Quito to Quinche and having to pass through Yaruqui that like nobody came to church. The branch president couldn’t even get to church cuz they closed the highway down. It has kind of been a hard week to work because everyone has been busy with the pilgrimage and the parties and like all of the Catholics have been revived and have kind of been rejecting us harder.

So being in a small branch is fun, for those of you who don’t know, we don’t meet in a chapel here, we have the meetings in a house. Anyways with so few members and so few worthy priesthood, we help out a lot. Teaching classes, giving talks, helping out with sacrament, and yesterday we kind of helped out the counselor with the meeting, because he is new to the church and he was kind of up there by himself, so we kind of helped.

One of the coolest experiences of my mission was yesterday, I gave the priesthood to Wilver Quinchimbla and ordained him to a priest. Even tho I have participated in some priesthood ordinations in the mission, I have never actually been the one to pronounce the words, so that was a special experience for me. A while ago I translated my Priesthood Line of Authority in Spanish and I have used that in Spanish to show people in lessons that I really do have the authority of God and now I am going to make him his own line of authority. I just hope soon it changes and that he can get the High Priesthood. He is doing great. He is excited to baptize his kids this Saturday, please pray that all can go well for this family.

I am seeing so many miracles. I am honestly not trunky at all, I am more focused than ever and my companion is so great and is helping me so much. I love Yaruqui, I love my mission, I love the people here, I love Elder Gehring, the mission is just so great. I am almost 99 percent sure that I wont write next week cuz I am going to spend my whole p day in Otavalo. I got permission to call my converts this last week to plan a visit with them for next Monday, the familial Cordova Tituaña, and when I told them it was me they started crying and I started crying.  I am so blessed that President is letting me visit them before I finish. 

Well I love you all, you are all in my prayers. It is so precious to be a missionary. I love it so much. I love representing my Lord and I have grown to love him. I have learned there is a difference between knowing about the Savior and knowing the Savior and I feel like in my mission I have been blessed to know him. Maybe I haven’t seen him eye to eye, but I have had so many special experiences and  testify he lives and love us more than we could possibly imagine. Well take care and have a great week. 

Love, Elder Roberts
 Ecuadorian sunset
 Sara turned 8 and Nayra turned 2

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